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    Personal Information Handling of Personal Information
    Property Data Bank, Inc. (“Company”) believes that it is a social responsibility to understand the significance of personal information and to protect personal information.
    Based on this belief, the Company makes the following efforts in handling personal information obtained through its corporate activities.

    1. Acquisition of personal information

    When acquiring personal information, the Company specifies its intended use, followed by its acquisition by legal and fair means and to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose for which it is used.

    2. Intended uses of personal information

    Personal information acquired by the Company will be used exclusively for the following purposes:

    (1) To provide customers with the Company’s products and services.
    - To provide products and services and to respond to help or support requests.
    - To bill for products and services provided.
    - To communicate in relation to inquiries received by telephone or via email, the Company’s website, etc.
    - To accept applications and to sign contracts.
    - To provide guidance and various information on the Company’s business.
    - To reflect survey results and inquiries on the Company’s products and services.
    - To conduct market research and to develop new products and services.

    (2) To manage the Company’s shareholders
    - To perform the Company’s obligations under law.
    - To implement various measures to ensure smooth relationships between the Company’s shareholders and the Company.

    (3) To hire employees of the Company
    - To provide/communicate information on hiring, recruitment, etc. to persons who are interested in the Company as their potential employer and to applicants seeking employment with the Company.
    - To evaluate applicants for hiring.

    (4) To manage the Company’s employees
    - To perform the Company’s obligations under law.
    - To perform personnel-related operations.
    - Welfare and benefits.
    - Business continuity.

    (5) Other
    - To conduct verification for accounting audit purposes.

    3. Restrictions on the provision of personal information to third parties

    The Company does not and will not provide any personal information with third parties, except:
    - Where the Company has obtained the prior consent of the person to whom the personal information relates.
    - Where the Company entrusts personal information with an outside party to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose for which the personal information is used.
    - Where the Company is required by law to provide the personal information.
    - Where the provision of the personal information is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person(s) and where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person to whom the personal information relates.
    - Where it is specifically necessary to provide the personal information to improve public health or promote the sound development of children and where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person to whom the personal information relates.
    - Where the Company is required to cooperate with the national government or a local government or the like in the execution of their affairs prescribed by law and where obtaining the consent of the person to whom the personal information relates is likely to hinder the execution of such affairs.

    4. Security control measures for personal information and continuous improvement of these measures

    The Company will take security control measures to protect personal information provided to the Company from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, tampering, or leakage to outside parties.
    In addition, the Company will continuously review the details of those efforts to strive to improve them.

    5. Disclosure, correction, and suspension of use of personal information

    If the Company receives a request for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of personal information from the person to whom the personal information relates, the Company will respond to the request through the prescribed procedure after confirming the identity of the person.

    6. Legal compliance

    The Company complies and will comply with all laws, regulations, guidelines, and other rules related to the handling of personal information.

    7. Contact point for inquiries about personal information

    Please address all requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, etc. of personal information and all inquiries about personal information to the following:

    Administration Department, Property Data Bank, Inc.
    1-30-5, Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0013
    Telephone: 03-5777-3468
    Office hours: Monday – Friday (excluding public holidays and year-end and New Year holidays) 9:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00

    October 1, 2022

    Contact Us by Phone

    We welcome inquiries regarding IR, recruitment, etc.
    TEL: +81-3-5777-3468
    (Hours: 9:00-17:30 except holidays and national holidays)